We are all aware of the 3 lights; RED, YELLOW and GREEN. The Red stands for stopping, the Yellow for Getting Ready and the Green sign tells us to move. The traffic signals for busy roads change colours within a duration of 5 minutes where one change changes to next within 2 minutes. In this way the traffic on the road can be maintained without ever creating a huge waiting traffic. This also help the drivers to no break unnecessarily the traffic rules. The Traffic warning Lights thus help us to maintain rules and save people from accidents. These lights can also manipulate time according to you. You can switch on these lights when you require thus these lights are often better for children.

There is another big use for this kind of light. We can sue the same light to stop vehicles from choosing a way while the road is under construction or where an accident has occurred. Traffic warning Signals are often placed on a mountain road to prevent people from going towards a risky lane. The Red traffic light tells people to make a stop and then you can follow the direction so that you can change your path before you get into a risky zone. The same light is used for blocking traffic at the construction site.
How Does It Help to Maintain Road Rules?
The latest trend is to use LED lights for Traffic signals. These lights are brighter than usual and can be noticed by people from far and even in dark. LED Traffic Warning sign is use by construction workers, traffic police and Road department to maintain safety. These lights can be used as a single piece or as three in a pack. It can also be carried in hand or attached to any pin since the model looks like lamp and the model runs on cells. Thus the lights are handy and easy to use.
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