The major hurdle in adopting this technology was the price. Initially, the prices of LED that could provide significant amount of light were more than 10 times the cost of the traditional sources of light. With the advancements in the manufacturing processes and rise of LED manufacturing industry around the world, the price has gradually come down to an affordable range. The cost of LED is still 3-5 times the cost of the best existing light sources but it is acceptable considering the long-term advantages. LED gas sign and other LED products with its long life and energy savings can easily make up for its high cost in a few years.

An LED gas display can be used outdoors without worrying about the harsh weather conditions. LED gas displays can easily last long even in the dynamic external environments. LED displays have already replaced the incandescent LED traffic signs in more than 50% of the cities of the United States. The same scenario prevails in most of the developed countries around the world. The developing countries are also catching up slowly, trying to utilize on the dropping prices of the LEDs. Soon, all the traditional traffic signs and signals would be completely replaced by the advanced LED signs and signals.
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