LED Traffic Light module has been developed with state of art technologies to provide following advantages.
1) Hour wise and day wise sequences in a week.
• Provision to program hour wise in a day and day wise in a week sequences to suit the traffic variations in a junction.
• Provision to program 20 holiday sequences.
2) Synchronization between the junctions.
• Possibility to maintain the synchronized sequences in a series of junctions for a given speed between the junctions.

The yellow light tells us to slow down. It gives us the opportunity to analyze the intersection and act accordingly. Many of us fail to listen to the yellow lights' message and we speed right through them.
There is nothing like the green light. It informs us that we are good to go and we are able to continue our journeys uninterrupted. Green lights come in a wide variety of forms yet their message remains consistent: Keep on pushing.
Every time you see a traffic light reminds yourself to obey the signals in your life: Stop when you are harming yourself, slow down to plan strategically and go when life presents opportunities.
The LED traffic light manufacturers have really brought a revolution to the traffic industry with their latest advancement in LED technology. Today it is easy to buy traffic light core, module and controller at an affordable price but only when you shop online rather offline.
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