Since cars sell much more quickly than the rate the government can build roads, a rapid growth in the number of vehicles can overwhelm even the best road system. Presently, building new roads or expanding existing ones no longer reduce the intensity of peak hour traffic congestion to any extent
Here are some ways how to manage traffic efficiently in cities:
• Government should continuously invest huge sum of money in updating public transportation, improving highways, building ring roads or beltways and maintaining the existing ones.
• Complete ban of heavy duty vehicles from entering the city center during peak hours.
• The use of computerized system to control traffic signal lights and to alerts police to handle accidents bottleneck quickly.

• Government should provide special bus lane and lanes that change direction according to traffic needs. Individuals should also contribute to solving the problem by taking a walk or cycling on short distances.
• Government should provide a public car park system at every 2 kilometer distance. Cars with one person should be denied entrance into the cities on peak hours while cars with 2or more persons should be allowed into the city.
• Government should use LED traffic light for saving energy cost and better handling the traffic. LED traffic signals are more competent in every perspective in comparison to the typical traffic lights.
• Commuters should always have control over the time they want to travel by trying to avoid rush hour traffic and the associated impatience
Finally, individual should take responsible measure by displaying courtesy and patience towards other drivers, this will help to control the trial of traffic in our cities.
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