When properly timed, a traffic signal increases the traffic handling capacity of an intersection, and when installed under conditions that justify its use, a signal is a valuable device for improving the safety and efficiency of both pedestrian and vehicular traffic. In particular, signals may reduce certain types of accidents, most notably, right-angle (broadside) collisions. You can see those glittering LED countdown timers that are readily installed in many intersections. LED traffic countdown timers are quite useful when it comes to guiding the traffic in the safest possible manner. Made of high quality LED timer countdown used in traffic intersections give signals to the motorists when to stop and when to leave.

LED traffic signals help regulate vehicle movement at junctions or you can say they allocate Right of Way for each direction. Signals aren’t necessary when the vehicle numbers are very low, but when the number of vehicles increases close to the capacity of the road, then they control the vehicle movement possibly reducing road rage or even pollution(since vehicles can turn off the engines during red).
Traffic signals are actually supposed to create platoons of vehicles (grouping), so individual vehicles don’t travel at high speeds and cause danger to pedestrians at crossings. Nevertheless, traffic signal is the most important thing in our life and we must obey them to avoid any kind of mishap.
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