If a bunch of vehicles is approaching from one direction & nine from the other side, the signal will make a decision to keep the active area green. Nonetheless, if an adequate number of vehicles start to accumulate in the other side, the lamp will turn red & the other one green.
The unit is known as Vehicle Actuation & is the more regularly employed procedure. There’re however some junctions that employ Fixed Time operation that keeps one set green for a fixed duration of time, regardless of how much traffic there’s.
The lights themselves are run on a fixed circuit, with high power LED module traffic signal behind each glass circle. As soon as the LED traffic signal module has been deactivated to the green light, signal passes to amber, then red.
Traffic signals generally showcase three colors of light. All these three colors have distinct and well-defined purposes.

2. Yellow/Orange color indicates to a driver to slowdown and come to a halt before the crossing line.
3. Red color indicates to a driver to stop immediately before the crossing line and not drive ahead.
A traffic signal is most commonly a timer-based system. The Green, Yellow and Red lights go On and Off at regular and synchronized intervals to start and stop the flow of traffic. The interval to change lights may range between 30 seconds to 120 seconds. However, it varies from city to city and depends on the traffic scenario.
Urbanization has brought rapid development in industries due to which the majority of the population is settling down in the cities. This results in a heavy rush in vehicular traffic requiring efficient control to avoid accidents. Traffic lights can be seen arranged one above the other at crucial crossings and junctions in a city.
The introduction of LED into the traffic industry has certainly brought huge revolution both in terms of brightness and productivity.
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