To help make the most of traffic signal coordination, intersections are handled via computerized traffic control unity and traffic countdown timers. The system allow us monitor, and also coordinate & communicate with traffic lights.
Advantages of employing a computerized traffic control unit and timer countdown include:
• Decrease travel time
• Offer competent traffic flow
• Decrease fuel expenses
• Decrease back end collisions
• Decreasing vehicle emissions
There’re 3 basic kinds of traffic sign operations:
Fixed Timing: Signals change as per a pre-set timing. The signal will cycle all the time even if there’s no car or pedestrian demand.
Semi Actuated: Signs will only alter if there’s a pedestrian or vehicle on the side street. Side-street green time will differ with traffic & there’s a minimum & utmost value programmed.
Completely Actuated: Signs are programmed to change with minimum & maximum green times relying on the traffic & pedestrian demand on all approaches. The signs will change footed on the demand from each approach.

How does a traffic signal know if there’s a car waiting?
There are two methods used by the Region to determine if a car is waiting at an intersection. We install a detector loop embedded under the road or mount a video detection camera of the signal pole.
With the introduction of technology, traffic signals too have become smart and adaptive. The newer traffic signals are hybrid in nature. They detect and sense the traffic in an area and function accordingly. The lights may change intelligently depending on which roads have fewer or more vehicles.
These systems are nothing but neat arrangements of detector and receiver. Detectors, mostly laid under the road or mounted as camera, sense vehicles on a road and sends a signal to a respective traffic signal. This signal then with consent from other nearby traffic signals decides to change to Green, Yellow or Red.
These systems operate by means of a receiver mounted on the traffic signal and a transmitted mounted inside the emergency vehicle. Led countdown timers have certainly come a long way with the advent of technology.
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