Wednesday 26 April 2017

Why LED Traffic Lights Are Better Than Their Incandescent Counterparts?

It cannot be denied that LED (light emitting diode) lighting is very useful not only to people but also to social groups and big businesses. Stands for light emitting diode, LED itself is a semiconductor light supply & since 1992, it has been widely adapted for different kinds of equipment to cater many purposes that need illumination. Nowadays, LED lighting is extensively employed for diverse purposes, for example, in traffic signals, automotive lighting, outdoor lighting and in aviation as well. LED lamps are recognized to be dependable because of its narrow bandwidth, adjustable switching speed, and compact size among others.

There are several benefits of modern LED lights, credits to their smart design, flexibility and dependability. They have proven to be quite energy competent when it is about power consumption, especial in the traffic intersections. In your city now you can notice the wide use of traffic LED light instead of those typical incandescent halogen traffic signals. A red traffic light module from the signal light that employs incandescent lamps uses 150 watts a minimum, whereas a signal lamp furnished with LED uses only 10 watts while offering the same red light with increased brightness. By considering the volume of time that red traffic lamps are used every day, LEDs are truly more practical and economical in the long run. At present, LED is there in more than 90 percent of traffic signal lights across the country. Apart from power competence, LEDs are also renowned for being capable of displaying a wide variety of colours on lighting. Certain traffic light manufacturers that specialize on colored lights employ LED on specific products that are competent of demonstrating more than 16 million colors.

Another unavoidable benefit is that LEDs are pretty durable & their regular usage can last from 50,000 hours to 100,000 hours. That’s hundred times better compared to incandescent lamps & around 10 times better than the fluorescent ones. Furthermore, LEDs also produce lesser heat in comparison to other lights & LED also cool down quickly even after extended use. This benefit alone makes its secure to employ even in traffic signaling. With all these benefits merged, LED lighting is here to stay & it’ll persist to benefit businesses, people, society and the traffic industry as well.

With the increasing demand of LED, the number of manufacturer is also increasing. Therefore, it is sensible if you can find a reliable supplier of LED for your purpose.

How Traffic Lights Made Of LEDs Saves Considerable Energy?

Traffic lights made of LED seems pretty identical to typical traffic lights that are made of incandescent or neon bulbs. As LED traffic lights are much brighter than their typical counterparts they give the pedestrians and drivers a much clear indication about the traffic.

The advanced LED traffic sign employ LEDs rather than incandescent or halogen lamps. The LEDs are minute, single electronic lights created using applied voltage to a semiconductor chip & reflector in a small colored lens. In opposition, the incandescent made traffic lamps rely on a colored filter to generate the proper color. Whilst the price of the filter is inexpensive to generate, it’s a very ineffective way to illuminate the traffic signal. The red filter on a conventional incandescent signal lamp, for instance, obstructs 80% of the glow & wastes electricity.

The power savings of LED traffic signal is considerable. The LED made mini traffic light bulb employs about fifteen watts of energy, in comparison to the average of 100 watts of energy employed by the typical incandescent lamp. All traffic signals run 24 hours throughout the year. The price to illuminate an individual 100 watt incandescent red lamp every day is approximately 2.4 kilowatt hours, based on the present average of five cents per kilowatt hour which may be your city paying. Each intersection boasts an average 36 bulbs encompassing LED arrow board, pedestrian displays, red, green and yellow lights. The regular price to illuminate only the traffic signal heads is $5.40 per street intersection. Over the course of the year for 100 signalized intersections the energy cost to your city is approximately $200,000.

If all of the traffic sign bulbs were changed to LED, the daily charge to illuminate each lamp would be decreased from fifteen cents to 2.5 cents. The everyday fee to illuminate the traffic signals would decrease for every intersection from $5.40 to ninety cents. The yearly expense to illuminate the 100 signalized intersections reduces to less than $35,000.

Traffic signal LED lights are much brighter compared to incandescent lamps and survive an average of 10 years compared to 1 year, common for usual incandescent bulbs. Presently, the red lights in every traffic intersection are substituted every year, requiring the trucks & manpower to substitute the lamps which also ties up traffic. The LED signs are practically free of maintenance, eradicating yearly re-lamping expenses.

Maximize the Power Of LED in Traffic Intersection

An LED is fundamentally a small light bulb with a semiconductor diode in place of a filament. Inside the diode, there’re positively & negatively charged areas. When a voltage is applied to the diode with the positive end hooked up to the negative site and the negative end hooked up to the positive site the electrons inside become stimulated & jump from the positively charged to negatively charged areas. This interaction generates light.

Traffic LED lamps are more competent and long-lasting — retrofitting & installation is a highly roaring and effortlessly applied program for cities. There’re 3 main benefits to upgrading municipal traffic lamps to LEDs:

• LEDs are much brighter than typical incandescent bulb—producing light more evenly, making them more noticeable in foggy or other adverse conditions.

• LED lights last for 100,000 hours, in comparison to incandescent lamps, which boast filaments that burn out & may last just 8,000 hours prior needing to be substituted.

• Substituting bulbs costs money & the replacement process obstructs traffic flow. Fewer burned-out lights also boost the security of intersections.

Advantages of switching to LED traffic light lamp also include the capability to use backup power supply for traffic signals during power cuts.

Some other advantages of LED traffic signs are:

• Large cities with thousands of intersections spend millions of dollars on electricity just for the consumption of traffic lights. These cities can enjoy considerable saving by switching to LED traffic sign.

• LED arrays consume 12-20 watts instead of 100, reducing overall energy consumption considerably.

• Solar panels can power LED traffic lights in remote areas, reducing the costs associated with installing power lines.

• Another benefit of LED traffic signals is the fact that they do not burn out all at once – and this feature eliminates the safety risks and traffic congestion problems associated with burnt-out traffic signals.

• It is now possible to purchase LED in all three colors needed for traffic signals.

• Commuters now experience a reduction in travel time, less gas consumption and cost savings due to the coordination of signals. Environmentally, these strategies will result in reduced air pollution and GHG emissions from idling.

Efficient Traffic Control By Using Advanced Traffic Signal Controller

Traffic control devices are those devices that are used for regulating the traffic on the roads and bring about a sense of awareness among pedestrians and vehicle users about road safety rules. Traffic signal controllers come in various shapes/patterns and can be placed anywhere on the roads so that they are easily visible for road users. They can be used to alert about dangers, to inform about route diversions, to announce directions, so on and so forth.

The normal function of traffic lights requires more than slight control and coordination to ensure that traffic moves as smoothly and safely as possible and that pedestrians are protected when they cross the roads. A variety of different control systems are used to accomplish this, ranging from simple clockwork mechanisms to sophisticated computerized control and coordination systems that self-adjust to minimize delay to people using the road.

The traffic light controllers uses input from detectors, which are sensors that inform the controller processor whether vehicles or other road users are present, to adjust signal timing and phasing within the limits set by the controller's programming. It can give more time to an intersection approach that is experiencing heavy traffic, or shorten or even skip a phase that has little or no traffic waiting for a green light. Detectors can be grouped into three classes: in-pavement detectors, non-intrusive detectors, and detection for non-motorized road users. Some of the primary advantages of traffic control by using advanced traffic controllers are mentioned below:

• Increasing the traffic handling capacity of roads

• Reducing collisions and waiting time for both vehicles and pedestrians

• Encouraging travel within the speed limit to meet green lights

• Reducing unnecessary stopping and starting of traffic - this in turn reduces fuel consumption, air and noise pollution, and vehicle wear and tear

• Reducing travel time

• Reducing driver frustration and road rage

Smooth Traffic Controlling With Competent Led Traffic Countdown Timer

LED lights are certainly one of the finest inventions in the recent era and this is possibly the reason now you can witness their usage in a variety of fields. Now you can find the extensive use of LED in the traffic industry as well. while walking or driving on the road you can see those glimmering LED countdown timers in traffic insertion that shows when to stop, when to get ready to leave and finally when to depart. Due to their various advantages and cost effectiveness the Led lights have replaced their incandescent or neon counterpart in the traffic industry as well.

Traffic Countdown Timers made of light emitting diode are being used highly now at diverse places. These small yet useful devices give a truly useful idea to the people walking or driving on the roadways regarding how much time they particularly have to wait prior start moving or how much time is left with them before they have to cross the traffic signal. Nevertheless, these appliances have helped a lot as far as smooth traffic controlling is concerned and prevented a lot of mishaps from happening.

There are several advantages have been noticed by installing timer countdown on the roads, especially in busy traffic junctions. Benefits such as power conservations, travel time saving, decrease in ecological pollutions and reduce in accidents on the road are some of them. Most importantly led-powered timers have helped drivers to better comprehend the traffic rules, hence avoid any unfortunate circumstance on the roads.

Some more advantages of LED traffic countdown timer mentioned below:

• Driver’s tension, worry & mental fatigue decreased

• Adequate time for drivers to decide to switch off the engine or not

• Driver relaxed & ready to take off instantly. Less possibilities of mishaps

• Since engine switched on at the proper time there is fuel saving and reduction in pollution

• Smooth flow of traffic

At BBM LED, our provided Traffic signal Countdown Timers are manufactured employing the latest technology, inventive machines & the finest components. Mainly employed at roads, these Traffic signal Countdown Timers are checked on different stringent parameters to make sure their quality. As far as price is concerned, we offer you the best product at the most competitive price. We design and promote professional level of LED powered traffic lights and signs, solar LED light systems, warning lights and many other segments powered by LED. For any help or further inquiry, get in touch with us now!

Monday 24 April 2017

Attract Customers Towards Your Filling Station Through Led Gas Display

Earlier, most people believed the lumen generated by a led gas price signs to be exceedingly lacking for smart marketing purposes. However, today the LED technology is substantially enhanced, especially in the field of LED gas signs. LED signs available today are exceedingly intense apart from being an environmentally-friendly energy alternative. In fact, LED signs are turning out to be the most beneficial method of advertising for the majority of filling stations. The ability to switch the cost by having a portable remote-control will save a lot of time every day.

LED gas price display could be the best option of advertising your filling stations. Car owners will surely choose your station instead of your competitors. LED gas displays have certainly proven to be 8 times more beneficial than the typical advertising signs. Below listed are a few more advantages of LED gas price signs:

Long Lifespan: Good quality LEDS can run as long as 50,000-100,000 hours, which is a complete 3-6 years longer compared to neon and fluorescent. Not just do they exceed other lamps, but because they don’t possess any fumes that can seep out & cause murkiness, they also sustain a superior level of brightness all through their lifetime.

Attractive Brightness: One major signs differentiating LED gas price displays apart from other signage is their attractive luster. LED technology is distinctive in that it generates a vivid yet clear lumen that’s effortless to read both close-up & from a long distance. Furthermore, it displays boldly during the night & is even intense enough to notice when the sun is shining. This denotes that regardless of what time of day, and whether your consumers are driving or walking past, they can find an apparent impression of your signage’s logo or message.

Better look (more striking to consumers): If you have ever owned a fluorescent or neon signage, you known that sometimes it can sense like a regular battle keeping the signs completely illuminated & with consistent brightness. Inescapably, it looks like 1 or multiple lamps always requires substituting or is gloomier compared to the rest of the signage. This can prompt an issue, as a gloomy or half-lit sign transmits a negative message regarding your business, and makes consumers to believe you aren’t conscientious. However, LED gas signs eradicate most of these issues, since their long lifespan & competent technology keeps them lightened far longer & more uniform compared to typical lamps. This is why traffic led signs are in increasing demand these days.

Led Module Traffic Signal Comes With Many Advantages

For a long time the greatest terror of early LED adopter was the technology used would quickly become expired. With the introduction of & enhancement of LED module this’s not an issue anymore. The module podium has unlocked new feasibilities for the long term employment of LED in a host of environment encompassing hospitality, retail, advertising, digital appliances, and even in the traffic industry. This approach offers all the advantages of employing LED lamps alongside the capability to leverage continuous improvements & technological breakthroughs.

A crucial advantage of LED module traffic signal is its operating lifespan. Relying upon the running surrounding the module provides amid 30,000 to 50,000 hours of ongoing operation. This’s accomplished by merging many qualities of LED illumination. First of all, LED lamps have established to possess consistently longer lifetime compared to conventional lamps. In second, employing the module podium enables for a steady current circuit. With superior control over the volume of power supplied to every bulb, this podium enables users to acquire utmost performance without the jeopardy of overloading any single lamp.

Another advantage of employing LED module podium is effortless installation. Since manifold lamps are already integrated in every module, users don’t need to concern regarding fitting bulbs separately. Rather they can simply install each module. Not just does this save a considerable sum of time setting up the primary product but it also reduces upkeep time. If any upkeep is essential it can be done to a whole module instead of addressing every single lamp.

Not like the identical module approach considered by conventional lamps, LED need no supplementary hardware to observe & handle them. This’s because each LED lamp runs on the same steady current circuit as other lamp in the module. With conventional lighting every lamp runs separately, even if it’s in a module setting.

Energy saving is also yet another considerable advantage of LED traffic signal module. In the traffic industry, LED lamps have already proven to provide considerable power savings compared to typical incandescent or halogen lamps. Leveraging the module podium can further boost the savings by enabling users to variously handle clusters of lights at the same time. This’s done because users just require to handle each module instead of each separate bulb. Furthermore, because each module operates on a separate circuit no separate lights will use more power than it requires. As an extra benefit, modules are engineered to provide reverse voltage defense which further reduce power needs.

LED Gas Price Sign – A Revolutionary Way to Attract Customers

It was nearly a decade ago, when the 1st ever gas signs were used outside gas-stations. At the beginning, the intention of these signs was to make the brand more recognized than just demonstrating the cost of gas. The causes behind this is only the reach owned an automobile and were capable of driving throughout those eras, therefore fuel prices were unrelated for those who weren’t able to afford an automobile.

However, with time passes on, automobiles were no longer a sign of status, and were available to all sorts of people. Consequently gas costs become more & more vital. The year 1929 witnessed the starting of the Great Depression where the sales & uses of cars considerably reduced, and competition was high for gas consumers. Then gas price sings became used for demonstrating gas costs so that customers were able to pick the gas-station that had the lowest of gas cost.

At present, with has cost incessantly on the rising side, car owners thinking two times when it’s about gas usages as they’ve no positive reasons to believe that cost will decrease anytime soon. Thus, as gas is the ideal definition of a par product, making cash in the gas industry at present is as difficult as it can be.

If a driver has a nearly void tank, they aren’t going to squander time pondering around for the best gas-station; rather they’ll pick the first one available right there. In this cut-throat industry, gas-stations are battling to seize roadside consumers and therefore it’s really essential to possess an LED gas price signs to grab the curiosity of roadside drivers.

Beneficial features of LED gas price signs:

• With the frequently changing gas cost, it’s really essential that you keep your gas cost sign up to date. Stop squandering time with conventional message boards that need a worker to change the sign physically. Rather, invest on a LED gas price display & make the whole updating procedure much quicker & simpler. You can program the sign to update mechanically as the costs change online within the console of your own office.

• LED price signs consumer much less power and have a longer lifetime compared to traditional signage forms. Hence, there is extra cost effectiveness with the LED signs.

• Apart from changing gas cost signs on your LED, you also can showcase much more info due to its 1/10th power accessible for other lighting options. Information like company logo, restaurant details, manifold gas costs & much more can be demonstrated.

Led Traffic Warning Signs Are The Future Of Emergency Light

A traffic warning sign is a type of traffic sign that indicates a hazard ahead on the road that may not be readily apparent to a driver.

In most countries, they usually take the shape of an equilateral triangle with a white background and a thick red border. However, both the color of the background and the color and thickness of the border vary from country to country.

In the People's Republic of China (except for Macau and Hong Kong), traffic warning signals appear with a black border and a yellow background. In Sweden, Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Greece, Finland, Iceland, the Republic of Macedonia and Poland, they have a red border with an amber background. The polar bear traffic warning light in Svalbard recently changed from displaying a black bear on white background to a white bear on black background (both signs are triangular with a red border). Some countries (like France, Norway, Spain) that normally use a white background have adopted an orange or amber background for road work or construction signs.

LED traffic warning lights are turning out to be the most innovative alternative of traditional traffic lighting options such as incandescent lamp or halogen warning light. Traffic warning lighting has undergone great changes in the last few decades with the developments in LED light systems. They have a lot of plus points to their credit - they are cost effective, energy efficient, smaller, brighter, run cool, and last longer. LED is also a greener alternative to non-rechargeable battery operated solutions. They are also highly adaptable, making them suitable in a wide range of applications compared with conventional sources of lighting.

Traffic lighting utilizing LED display technology is considered to be the future. LED lighting offers long life, reliability and low power consumption - perfect for emergency lighting applications. There are environmental benefits too in reducing the number of fluorescent tubes thrown into landfill.

LED warning lights are portable devices that are used for dealing with emergency situations such as power outrages and blackouts caused due to hurricanes, tornadoes, lightning, flooding, and blown out street transformers. They are designed for rough use and can withstand shocks and vibrations that may occur while using it in emergencies.

Proper lighting is fundamental to the safety of our society. We rely upon lights used in exit signs and street lamps. In extreme conditions reliable lighting is essential, so it's important to know how to solve any emergency lighting problem.

LED Traffic Lights – A Cost Effective & Environment Friendly Substitute to Traditional Halogen Light

Traffic lights are useful devices employed in pedestrian crossings or road intersections to manage the vehicular traffic & keep pedestrians secure. They’re exceedingly helpful for orderly & continuous movement of vehicles & pedestrians throughout heavy traffic over the road. Traffic signal lights play an important part in controlling the heavy traffic during peak hours without the need of a traffic police officer. Contemporary traffic lights came into existence from the early twentieth century.

There’re 3 phase & 4 phase traffic lights in use. Usually, a traffic sign system features 3 lights. A green lamp on the foot of the signal light stack shows the traffic to carry on: a yellow lamp in the center informs the traffic to slow & ready to stop; and a red lamp on the summit to warn the traffic to stop.

Earlier, traffic lights used to come equipped with halogen lamps. These traffic lamps use a great deal of power. However, with the introduction of light emitting diodes, the conventional traffic signs were being substituted by LED traffic lights. The prime benefit of LED traffic signal is that they’re much brighter than the traditional traffic lights and they save considerable power and have longer lifetime. In fact, they use 85% less power compared to the incandescent lamps. Relying upon the size & color, they use between eight and 25 watts of power. However, in case of incandescent or halogen lamps, their power consumption is between 67 and 150 watts.

Furthermore LED traffic signs on road produce fewer hazards to the environment in comparison to their halogen counterpart. Though the initial cost of LED light is a bit higher but their long term savings outweighs this small disadvantage.

Majority of the advanced LED traffic lamps have several extra benefits over incandescent traffic lamps. Unlike typical incandescent lamps, they don’t use reflectors. They’re more visible & have greater light intensity. They’ve the capability to soak up sunlight that enters the lenses.

Until recently, execution of LED traffic lamps needed heavy investment in terms of operations, dependability concerns & high expense. But with technological advancement, LED traffic lamps have established to be economical & a viable solution to save power consumption. Traffic signals are needed all through the day. Led traffic lamps are more efficient & save power worth thousands of dollars a year.

Slowly but steadily most of the countries worldwide are taking the initiative of installing LED traffic lights and for good reasons.